Tarrytown Student a Finalist in Regeneron National Science Talent Search

Of 17 students from Westchester high schools who were named semifinalists in the prestigious Regeneron Science Talent Search, only one has been named a finalist.

It's Vivek Malik, a student at the Hackley School, a private school in Tarrytown. The title of his original research project: "Novel characterization of Plexin D1's role in regulating the macrophage immune response." 

Malik is one of 40 finalists who will be invited to Washington, D.C., in March to compete for $1.8 million in awards.

Malik's research sought a way to control macrophages, a type of white blood cell that play a key role in the immune system by trying to destroy infected or damaged cells.

Greenburgh-based Regeneron is the third sponsor of the nation's oldest science research competition for students. In 2017, it made a 10-year, $100-million commitment to sponsor the competition

Good luck in March, Vivek! Your Hudson Valley wishes you well.


Courtesy of The Society for Science

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